Incursions Archive

Articles, tutorials, press releases, open source software announcements, and other events from our little corner of cyberspace!

Laravel S3 Tools

Incursus Open Source Project

May 6, 2019

This Laravel package contains additional functionality not currently in Laravel for interfacing with Amazon's S3 service. In particular, there are methods for dealing with versioned objects within S3. 

Creating Private/Free Plans in Laravel Spark


April 2, 2018

Laravel/Spark is an amazing SaaS framework built on top of the equally elegant Laravel framework. With it, you get some pretty solid out-of-the-box functionality for creating SaaS applications, such as recurring billing, team/user subscriptions, etc. This serves to free up your time to focus on creating the business logic for your SaaS application itself. Brilliant stuff! One thing that it doesn't easily do, however, is allow you to create a "private" (possibly "free" plan) for use by your own organization, your beta customers, etc. This article will show you how to achieve that result with as little mucking about as possible.

5 Ways to Motivate a Team of Developers


March 30, 2018

It takes a very specific management style to lead a team of developers. Their day-to-day tasks involving solving very complex problems with a lot of unknown factors, and to do that well, they need certain things from their environment and their manager. Here are five ways to better understand and motivate your programming team.

Machine Learning and the Effectiveness of Cybersecurity


January 24, 2018

Cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving, making it more and more difficult for analysts to use traditional methods to effectively counteract them. According to the Malware Byte State Malware report, malware like ransomware, botnets and attack vectors notably increased in 2016. Likewise, reports of banks, major retailers and even tech companies being hacked are becoming increasingly frequent. While machine learning is the new standard of data analysis, it is only beginning to be used in cybersecurity. However, this powerful analytic tool has the ability to greatly improve threat prediction accuracy throughout the industry.

Top 5 Open Source Software Trends Heading Into 2018


December 12, 2017

Heading into 2018, the increased domination of the software industry by open-source software (OSS) is expected to continue. There are five OSS trends likely to have the biggest impact on software technology as a whole.

How SaaS Models Reduce Risk and Improve Cash Flow


October 24, 2017

In traditional software sales, companies take on massive risk with each release. Before seeing a dime in revenue, they must pay for all development and marketing costs and then hope customers will buy. By switching to a software-as-a-service model, you can smooth out your risk and cash flows to increase your chances of long-term success.

Breathing New Life Into a 10-Year Old Video Game


October 18, 2017

At Incursus, we really dig video games. Not just from a recreational standpoint, but from a design and development standpoint as well. As you may be aware, we also encourage our employees to get involved in various community and/or open-source development projects. One of those projects was an attempt to revamp an almost 10-year old video game with new graphics and mechanics. Read on!

How Do 3D Printers Work?


October 9, 2017

In recent years, a new technology that promises to bring about great economic changes at both the producer and consumer level has been gaining ground while making headlines in the process. 3D printing, a process for making three-dimensional objects using instructions from digital computer files, has the potential to revolutionize the way parts and products are made. Following is a basic introduction to this intriguing process and the different technologies that make it possible.

Tech Trends Worth Noticing (That Are Not AI, VR or Bitcoin)


September 12, 2017

Much hype surrounds AI, virtual reality and blockchain technology, but there are other developing technologies deserving of attention too. Examples include civic tech, gene editing, personalized technology and advancements in energy.

A Stroll Around the Block (Chain)


September 1, 2017

Like so many things in technology, blockchain's promise is largely unrealized. But its potential would seem to be unlimited. Is it really positioned to become Web 3.0? Lots of really smart people think so.